Henry Hardy

Capturing Genius: Editing Isaiah Berlin is an in-depth conversation with Henry Hardy, Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford, and the author of In Search of Isaiah Berlin: A Literary Adventure, about the many joys—and occasional frustrations—of being the principal editor of one of the 20th century’s most captivating public intellectuals.

Release date on the Ideas Roadshow podcast: September 15, 2021.

I cannot praise Howard Burton too highly. The preparatory reading and thinking he does before conducting an interview is astonishing in its depth and extent. He asks interesting and penetrating questions that elicit from his interviewee thoughts that hadn’t surfaced before the questions were asked. He is very interviewee-friendly and has a natural talent for putting one at one’s ease. He bravely ventures beyond what one might expect to be his comfort zone. The resulting podcast satisfyingly exceeds one’s expectations.” —  Henry Hardy